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See external reviews posted on Write Ahead's Google Profile


Praise for Write Ahead's Results from Parents & Students

Sample Parent Testimonials 

"Write Ahead helped my son immensely to build his writing confidence and approach."

- Mom of 6th grader,  Weston, MA

"When my son heard he would be attending a new after-school class, he wasn´t too thrilled (he also attends RSM). But his complaining only lasted 1 day. After the first class, he found he really enjoyed it, and the teaching was fun and interactive.  His writing skills definitely improved a lot and even his grades improved as a result of this class.  I highly recommend it."

- 7th grader's dad, Wellesley, MA

"My son’s thinking and organization skills for his writing improved tremendously!"

- Mother of 6th grader, Westwood, MA

"After one session of Write Ahead my daughter is writing deeper claims, using stronger vocabulary and is more confident in her writing. What made it fun was the intriguing writing topics and she received a lot of encouragement and feedback."

- 7th grader's mom,

Wellesley, MA

Anonymous Student Responses to the Question "How did Write Ahead impact your writing?"

" I have better analysis, more complex wording and a strong thesis.

- 5th Grader, Wellesley, MA

" I make deeper claims.

- 6th Grader, Weston, MA

" Writing quickly has become easier.



- 7th Grader, Wellesley, MA

" My analysis now fully explains my quotes, and I choose the best evidence consistently.


- 7th Grader, Wellesley, MA 

" Writing is now more efficient, and more fun.



- 8th Grader, Wellesley, MA

" The strength of my argument has improved by using a TIDE planner (Write Ahead's organizational structure mnemonic)"


- 9th Grader, Lexington, MA

Parent Testimonial

"Write Ahead was the best money we spent for our daughters. The program empowered them with knowledge of the writing process and confidence to follow it."

Father of 7th and 10th Grade Students

Wellesley, MA

Mar, 2024

Scroll through over 100 testimonials from parents and students:

Praise for Structured, Evidence-based Writing Instruction

The writing methodology and teaching approach that Write Ahead uses is based on research by Dr. Karen Harris and has been fostered, tested and continuously improved by Dr. Leslie Laud.  Dr. Laud developed the Write Ahead curriculum.   See what parents and teachers have to say about it:

"This approach provided my daughter with the critical thinking tools she needed in order to be an effective writer. Perhaps this can be better summed up by my daughter, now in college, who recently told me that the approach . . .is “the reason I write so well today!"

- Deb MacRae, Brooklyn, NY


"With this approach, my son transformed from a streaming consciousness, to a clear, writer. Not only his writing transformed, but also verbal communication as well. I couldn’t be more excited or proud."

- Scott Edgerton, New York, NY

"This approach transformed my daughter’s confidence and abilities as a creative and critical writer."

- Carol Lufty, New York, NY

"We’ve really enjoyed seeing our students become even better writers, and becoming more confident in teaching writing ourselves."

- Lisa Siegmann, Acting Director, Hunter College Schools (For students identified as gifted & talented.)


"These research-supported practices for teaching writing have a powerful impact. They make it easier for students to learn and use the writing process. Student writing has improved, and teacher confidence."

- Jennifer Newman, Director of Literacy, Maimonides School, Brookline, MA


School Notebook
Girl in Classroom

"Teachers see improvements in depth of thinking and quality of writing right away."

- Jason Borges, Senior Director of Literacy Interventions, NYC DOE, NY


"Not only did student writing grow in quality and depth, but students enjoyed writing more so. All students should learn this approach."

– Amy Thomas, Instructional Coach, Jefferson County Schools, CO

"Since adopting this framework, teachers and students alike have benefited. The framework moves with students from grade to grade so next year’s teachers aren’t starting from scratch. . .[It] has improved our student writing in powerful, meaningful ways, which is why our teachers embraced it."

- Sarah Adelman, Learning Specialist at Brooklyn Friends School, NY

"This approach builds critical thinking, metacognition and agency while simultaneously facilitating the creation of a classroom climate where students can take ownership of the writing process juxtaposed with a learning environment wherein students' voices are liberated."

- Topher Collier, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist and Board Certified Neuropsychologist, Chicago, IL

Learn to Read
A Classroom Lecture
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